Thursday 7 July 2011

Enjoy Holidays with Electric RC Cars

Holidays are coming and have you planning to enjoy your holidays or not? If yes, then how would you enjoy your holidays? You can enjoy your holidays by organizing a race of electric rc cars. These cars have in built battery which is charged after some time like your cell phone have in built battery which is attached to electricity with the help of a charger to make it work for long long hours. Unlike normal rc cars the electric rc cars are more powerful as they have not need of detachable batteries as there is inbuilt battery is present inside the car which is charged when get down.

Through electric rc cars you can win the race which is organized by you during the holidays as they electric rc cars have inbuilt batteries that's why they are more powerful than detachable batteries cars. Electric rc cars have an remote control which is also electric charged remote control. This makes the signal of the remote control more strong then any other rc cars.

There are some other types of other cars are also present in the market which use gas powered rc cars instead of electric rc cars. But the gas powered rc cars have to refill their gas as they use gas instead of batteries. Gas powered rc cars have more risk in them as the gas is highly flammable as they can catch fire easily and fastly. But electric rc cars get shot circuited when they are attached with electricity.

Gas powered rc cars have some space for filling the gas in them and their weight as compared to electric cars are more. So they don't beat electric cars. Electric cars have so many design as they have to book a small space in it to fit the batteries and this space can be any where within the car it can be under the car or over the car or at the back or front of the car. But gas powered rc cars have some restriction about fitting the gas cylinder inside of the car. As these cars are highly flammable and can catch fire easily.

These cars can have maximum speed of 15 to 40 mph and they can driven on the road or at home or at park or on plane thing which is have smooth surface, there are some cars which can be driven off the road like on hilly areas and they have four wheel drive to jump the mountains. Off road rc cars have big wheels to cross the hilly areas and to jump the hills, these off road cars can be driven in the water but water level should not cross the a limit if it cross that limit then our car gets destroyed.

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